
Greetings from... Switzerland

Druga kartka z wymiany z Pamelą, bardzo się ucieszyłam, kiedy mi powiedziała, że może mi również wysłać tę kartkę. Była to jedna z trudniejszych do zdobycia. Do skompletowania kolekcji potrzebuję jeszcze kartek wysłanych z Portugalii i Chin.

The 2nd postcard from my swap with Pamela. I was really happy when she said she can send me this card, too. It was one of the most difficult ones to get. To complete my collection of the 'Greetings from...' cards I need cards sent from Portugal and China.

Switzerland is a landlocked country located in Western and Central Europe, bordered by Italy, France, Germany, Austria and Liechtenstein. 

source: wikipedia & google maps

4 komentarze:

  1. Great card!
    Could you advise how many cards are in this collection?

    1. Hi Elena, sure :) I checked the website and can tell there are 21 different postcards for: Poland (3 different styles), Canada, Spain, Taiwan, Netherlands, France, Germany, Finland, US, Czech Republic, Belgium, Estonia, United Kingdom, Italy, Switzerland, Portugal, Lithuania, Ukraine, Sweden, Japan and China. I hope there will be more, I love this series.

    2. Yeah, I recently found this series and also fell in love with these postcards :)
